Does anyone know, "What is the password on the most recent Baby Mama contest ad in the Toronto Sun?" "What is the answer to the trivia question found on the most recent Mariah Carey contest ad in the Toronto SUN?" "What is the page number on which the Ultimate Fight Train logo is found in today's Toronto Sun Classified?" "What is the password on the most recent The Art of Golf contest ad found in the Toronto Sun?" Thanks Posted by: anonymous on April 12, 2008 |
Does anyone know the answer for the current home theatre contest? What is the password on the most recent ConnectPro contest ad in 24 hours Free Daily? Posted by: anonymous on August 7, 2008 |
Anyone have the answer to the Canada Walk of Fame contest question: What is the answer to the trivia question found on the most recent Canada's Walk of Fame ad in Toronto SUN? Any help would be appreciated. Posted by: lewarcher on August 24, 2008 |
does anyone have the secret word to the alps contest Posted by: aidn1 on January 22, 2009 |
does anyone know What is the password on the most recent Davis Cup contest ad? Posted by: kpaterson on February 20, 2009 |
or for the doodlebops contest. Would love to take my daughter. She loves the show. Posted by: anonymous on February 21, 2009 |
I won the Dragon Boat Race Festival Weekend Getaway from the Toronto Sun. Posted by: ibrink on July 11, 2009 |
anwer is football Posted by: TOMGIRLBC on October 17, 2010 |
does anyone have the answer for the Halloween contest? Posted by: Harriette on October 18, 2010 |
Nightmares Posted by: ibrink on October 19, 2010 |
Does anyone have the code word for the Toronto Sun Win Tickets to Liverpool FC vs Toronto FC Posted by: Harriette on July 18, 2012 |
Does anyone have a code form the Toronto Sun for the Daytona 500 contest. Thanks Posted by: Jocelyne on November 4, 2012 |
Jocelyne, I bought the Toronto Sun on November Nov.17th and 18th and I cannot find the code word for the Daytona 500 contest. The 19th at midnight is the deadline. I wanted to enter for my husband. Is the code word only in the paper on certain days? Thanks Posted by: Tammy on November 18, 2012 |
This is how they describe the code: Find the contest code on contest ads running throughout the contest period..., so look for the contest ad in the paper. Posted by: Contestgirl on November 19, 2012 |
Thanks Contestgirl...I did find other codes in the paper for their other contests, but not for the Nascar one in Saturday or Sunday's paper. I thought it was me, so I had a friend look, but they also could not find the Nascar code word. On the plus side ... I was able to enter for the other contest they have running. Thanks Posted by: Tammy on November 20, 2012 |
01 nov. Code word is daytona500 Posted by: steve7676 on November 1, 2015 |
thank you, Steve 7676!! Posted by: lnelson8 on November 3, 2015 | Posted by: OwenX on November 6, 2021 |