
If you are interested in promoting your sweepstakes or giveaway I have a number of opportunities for advertising on the Contestgirl website. Please see the details below and if you have any questions or want to go ahead with an advertising spot write to me at or fill out the form on the Contact Me page.

Contestgirl Website Statistics for September 2024

  • Total Visits for September: 236,830
  • Unique Visitors for September: 65,900
  • Average Length of Each Visit: more than 18 minutes
  • Total Page Views for September: 2,288,000
  • Average Daily Page Views: 73,200
  • Newsletter subscribers: 8,400 U.S. and 6,800 Canadian
  • Geographics: 52% U.S. and 48% Canadian

Note that the page views listed above are the number of pages viewed and do not include the click-throughs to the sweepstakes sites that I list. On average, there are about 125,000 click-throughs each day for a total of almost 4,000,000 each month.

Featured Listing

A featured listing is very similar to a regular sweepstakes listing but it will stay on top of the list for its category. Normally the new sweepstakes I add each day will push the older ones down the list and since the first few pages get the most views, an item will get fewer hits as it moves down the list. Featured listings are the most effective advertising on this site. That is to say, a featured listing will generate more click throughs than a banner ad for the same number of impressions. The price for a featured listing is for one category (single, daily, weekly, monthly or odd) and one country (either U.S. or Canada).

Price for Featured Listing: $50 per week (minimum 1 week)

Featured Listing For Blogs

I recognize that most blogs are run by individuals with a limited budget so I am trying to make the price for a featured listing in the blogs category as attractive as possible. The featured listing for a blog is exactly the same as a featured listing for the main sweepstakes category but it is significantly cheaper and will be visible under the Blogs links. The price for a featured listing in the blog category is for one country (either U.S. or Canada). The price applies only to small privately run blogs - not big corporate ones.

Price for Featured Listing for Blogs: $2 per day (minimum 5 days)

160x600 Skyscraper

A 160x600 Skyscraper banner slot is available on the sweepstakes listings pages. This banner will be displayed when the user is viewing any of the contest lists (single, daily, weekly, monthly, odd and blog). It will be in rotation with a maximum of 3 other banners. Each banner will receive between 5,000 and 15,000 page views per day depending on the number of other banners in the rotation. The price for a skyscraper banner is for one country (either U.S. or Canada).

Price for 160x600 Skyscraper: $40 per week (minimum 1 week)

728x90 Leaderboard

A 728x90 Leaderboard banner slot is available at the top of the sweepstakes listings pages just below the Contestgirl logo centered across the top of the page. This banner will be displayed when the user is viewing any of the contest lists. It will be in rotation with a maximum of one other banner but will most of the time be dedicated to a single ad. The price for the leaderboard is for one country (either U.S. or Canada).

Price for 728x90 Leaderboard: $100 per week (minimum 1 week)


Each Wednesday I send a newsletter to over 6,500 U.S. subscribers and a second one to over 5,000 Canadians. There is an advertising opportunity available in each of these newsletters that includes a leaderboard banner at the top of the newsletter that will link to your giveaway and a featured listing in the body of the newsletter near the bottom. The featured listing will include a description of your giveaway along with a link to your website, very similar to the way I list giveaways on As part of the description, I will include an explanation to my readers that you are a friend and sponsor of the Contestgirl website and I will ask that they take a few minutes to explore your website and enter the giveaway. The price for the newsletter spot is for one country (ether U.S. or Canada) and there is a maximum of two spots per newsletter.

Price for a Newletter Feature: $50