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91.7 Giant FM (Welland)--Garage Mahal VII Contest
Enter for a chance to win over $50,000 in prizes from local businesses, including a hot tub, $10,000 to use towards a Frigidaire air/heat unit and more. Listen for a keyword. at 8:05, 12:05 and 4:05 then text them at 905-732-6917.
Restrictions:  18 or older--ON only--Fort Erie, Grimsby, Lincoln, Niagara Falls, Niagara On The Lake, Pelham, Port Colborne, St. Catharines, Thorold, Wainfleet, Welland, West Lincoln only
End Date: September 8, 2024posted on June 6, 2024
Thanks to: vviggs for telling me about this one
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Coca-Cola--Coke Studio 2024 Sweepstakes
Enter for a chance to win one of five prizes of a trip for four people to a music festival (some are US only, some are Canada only, some are open to both), worth up to $36,250. Canadians can enter here.
Restrictions:  18 or older
End Date: October 31, 2024posted on June 8, 2024
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Circle K--Aaron Brown Contest
Enter for a chance to win a 2-night trip for four to Colorado Springs for a meet and greet with Aaron Brown and more, worth $20,418. There are also 40,000 instant win prizes of a Coke or Powerade. You need UPC codes from participating Coca-Cola products.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority
End Date: August 19, 2024posted on June 26, 2024
Thanks to: PenguinGrrl for telling me about this one
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Coca-Cola--Austin City Limits Sweepstakes
Enter for a chance to win a trip for four people to attend the Austin City Limits music festival on October 11 to 13. It's worth $15,620. Canadians can enter here.
Restrictions:  18 or older
End Date: September 1, 2024posted on July 17, 2024
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Shop Beer Gear--Corona Sunsets Brewhouse Contest
Enter for a chance to win a trip for two to Brazil for the Corona Music Festival in December. It's worth $12,000.
Restrictions:  Legal drinking age--BC, AB, SK, MB and ON only
End Date: September 1, 2024posted on June 17, 2024
Thanks to: Van7Gal for telling me about this one
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Corona Beer--Corona Sunsets Contest
Enter for a chance to win a trip for two to Brazil with tickets to the Sunsets Music Festival. It's worth $11,000.
Restrictions:  you must be legal drinking age
End Date: September 16, 2024posted on April 25, 2024
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Waypoint Convenience--Juno Awards Contest
Enter for a chance to win a trip for two to Vancouver to attend the 2025 Juno Awards, worth $10,200. There are also 10 prizes of a $100 gas gift card or 4,500 instant win prizes of free products.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority--BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, NB, NS or YT only
End Date: September 9, 2024posted on July 8, 2024
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Tru Earth--Challenge Contest
Enter for a chance to win $10,000. There are also 31 daily prizes of Tru Earth Eco-Strips laundry detergent for a year worth $149.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority--no NY, FL or QC
End Date: July 31, 2024posted on July 2, 2024
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Dare Foods/BearPaws--Snack Play Win Sweepstakes
Enter for a chance to win $10,000 and a $10,000 donation to a school.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority
End Date: September 30, 2024posted on July 2, 2024
Thanks to: Laurel for telling me about this one
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Shop Beer Gear--Bud Light UFC 306 Contest
Enter for a chance to win a 2-night trip for two to Las Vegas to attend UFC 306 on September 14th, , worth $10,000.
Restrictions:  21 or older--with a valid passport--one entry per household per day
End Date: August 19, 2024posted on June 13, 2024
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