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Lallemand Plant Care--Hometown Roots Photo Contest
Enter for a chance to win one of 10 prizes of $5,000 for any local organization or charity of your choice in your community. Share a photo that you feel celebrates agriculture and your community and explain why -- winners are chosen by random draw.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority--AB, SK, MB, ID, IL, IN, MT, MN, ND, SD only--must be connected to commercial agriculture
End Date: July 31, 2024posted on November 21, 2023
Thanks to: Astrid for telling me about this one
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Red Carpet Crash--Ongoing Giveaways
Enter for a chance to win one of multiple prizes of things like movie passes, books, DVDs and more. They allow only one entry per giveaway but I put this one into the weekly category so you can include it in your MyContests list an check it once a week for new prizes.
End Date: December 31, 2025posted on January 1, 2023
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