Leite's Culinaria - Ongoing Giveaway

Leite's Culinaria - Ongoing Giveaway
Prize: assorted cooking related prizes. Check back frequently for new giveaways.
Restrictions:  18 or older--no QC
Value: $100
Frequency: Daily Entry
End Date: December 31, 2024posted on August 5, 2023


I believe that theses are all cooking related books. And there are like 6 different ones to enter for the copies.

Posted by: mel54 on August 5, 2023

I'm happy to see this contest back on this site. I have won a book before.

Posted by: simsiminy on August 5, 2023


Posted by: mel54 on August 5, 2023

yeah, there are some great giveaways here... I had forgotten about these folks, but I won a really nice toaster oven from them once.

Posted by: aina on August 5, 2023

Last time I won something from them they wouldn't send it because they said I didn't do Bedmas. Never had to before and there was no mention that you had to. I felt cheated and haven't entered any since.

Posted by: Mugwamp on August 5, 2023

They used to have some great giveaways. I won a really nice Cuisinart hand mixer from them once that I use all the time now!

Posted by: holmn13 on August 5, 2023

I have Leite's giveaways saved to my daily's on Roboform.

Posted by: fldarkside on August 5, 2023

I won a cookbook from them several months ago, but never received the prize.

Posted by: Trying2win on August 5, 2023

Mugwamp, what is Bedmas?

Posted by: ddharris42 on August 5, 2023

Bedmas is the correct order in which to solve an equation (order of operations): brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition. For example: (6 4) + 2 - 2= 24.

Posted by: Astrid on August 6, 2023

Please excuse my typo. I meant (6 x 4) + 2 - 2 = 24. Just trying to be helpful!

Posted by: Astrid on August 6, 2023

If you ever need help with a math question, you can copy it and google the answer.

Or you can come to Contestgirl for help. If you want help from me, look me up on FB: Nancerelli Giese - I love math <3

And, to add to the discussion, I have won several cookbooks from Leite's (not lately, tho), and we won a Cuisinart slow cooker years ago.

Posted by: nancerelli on August 6, 2023

I have won a cookbook tooo, awhile ago. I had forgotten about this site.

Posted by: hubbalance on August 8, 2023

Good point, nancerelli! I usually copy/paste and Google the answer just to be safe as well.

Posted by: Astrid on August 8, 2023

Where is the entry form, I dont see it

Posted by: Albertarose on August 12, 2023

AlbertaRose - this is a list of all the giveaways. You have to click on each one separately.

Posted by: nancerelli on August 13, 2023

I did on one of the cook books but no form came up. I am missing something , ?

Posted by: Albertarose on August 13, 2023

ok , I see what I am doing wrong.. thanks ,

Posted by: Albertarose on August 13, 2023

I won the $100 a couple weeks ago. Pleasant to deal with them when I had trouble finding the redemption email. I've been entering this for years and figured no one ever won. LOL

Posted by: surelyshields on August 31, 2023

I've won a few cookbooks from them.

Posted by: fldarkside on August 31, 2023

good to know

Posted by: omaME on September 22, 2023

My first ever win contesting here was with Leite and it was a cookbook. They use to have very generous prizes like appliances, ipads, etc. but no more. I never did win any of those prizes.

Posted by: Platform on October 20, 2023

I won from them a few times but you have to enter there very early.

Posted by: RunningFree on March 8, 2024

Site doesn't load when you run an adblocker

Posted by: Ztu3091 on May 23, 2024

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