Husqvarna - $350 Gift Card Giveaway

Husqvarna - $350 Gift Card Giveaway
Prize: one of their monthly prizes of a $350 Husqvarna gift card.
Value: $350
Frequency: Monthly Entry
End Date: September 30, 2024posted on February 27, 2024

Comments: If you don't want to submit a review.

Posted by: seb777 on February 27, 2024

I messaged them on FB about no provinces listed

Posted by: willymike on February 27, 2024

Thanks, seb, that was helpful.

Posted by: Mariatini on February 27, 2024

thanks seb!

Posted by: QueenMom on March 3, 2024

Has anyone been able to enter for March? The Rules indicate that entries do NOT roll over from month to month, but the site address that seb shared above, which is the same one given in the Official Rules, doesn t allow me to enter again.

Posted by: Mariatini on March 6, 2024

I couldn't fill it out. Much like the Fishing contests that sometimes are simply blocked.

Posted by: Kikou on March 11, 2024

Not able to get an entry today

Posted by: crandreww on March 17, 2024

since October 27, 2023 it is no longer necessary to register contests with the Regie des Loteries et Courses du Quebec, therefore any national contests open to all Canadian citizens shoud include Quebec. I have written to the organizers of the contest to demand that they review their rules.

I wrote to the organizers LLC Viral Sweep.

Posted by: Maliergo on March 21, 2024

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.

Posted by: crandreww on March 27, 2024

I won this for March,

Posted by: janicour on April 30, 2024

Congrats Janicour!

Posted by: Swissy on June 5, 2024

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