Corona Beer - Corona Sunsets Contest

Corona Beer - Corona Sunsets Contest
Prize: a trip for two to Brazil with tickets to the Sunsets Music Festival. It's worth $11,000.
Restrictions:  you must be legal drinking age
Value: $11000
Frequency: Daily Entry
End Date: September 16, 2024posted on April 25, 2024


can anyone explain how the formatting of date of birth works?

Posted by: alimain on April 25, 2024

I just took a look, it's pretty straight forward day/month/year, if you are born in a single digit month (1-9) put a zero at the front. I hope that helps. Noted also, the postal code is without space.

Posted by: Luv2win on April 25, 2024

To avoid confusion, I usually just put 02/02 or 12/12

I don't like using my real birthdate because I feel there's enough of my personal info out there...

Posted by: nancerelli on April 26, 2024

I don't see any dates in December but I see July? Am I wrong.

Posted by: pansy on April 26, 2024

I tried entering sunset2024 for an extra entry, but it wouldn't let me. I also couldn't scan a bottle using the internet for a picture....

Posted by: pokernun on April 26, 2024

Pokernun, Is is sunset2024 or sunsets2024...

Posted by: ronnieg on April 26, 2024

The last festival in Brazil was Dec 27-29, 2023. There are no published dates that I can find for the location and dates for a 2024 event.

Posted by: 123ABC on April 26, 2024

The contest rules say it's a 2023 contest.

CONTEST PERIOD: The Contest begins at approximately 12:00 a.m. EST on or about May 1st, 2023 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on September 5th, 2023 (the Contest Close Date ).

Posted by: Pearls on April 26, 2024

There is a Corona Beer Sunsets Contest at

Posted by: Pearls on April 26, 2024

Well Pearl. Please submit that as a different contest. It is. It is open to Manitoba, Alberta or Saskatchewan only. Why they would set up two similar contests with overlap is beyond me. This one 5 prizes Canada-wide - 2 entries per day vs. your find of- MB-SK-AB only and 1 prize with only 1 entry per day..

Posted by: 123ABC on April 26, 2024


Posted by: tomgirl on April 27, 2024

The Contest begins at approximately 12:01 a.m. EST on or about April 1st, ,
2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on September 16th, 2024

Posted by: J123BH on April 27, 2024

nothing I do seems to be working. I can't submit.

Posted by: jam on April 27, 2024

Jam, i got that too but try just hitting the enter button on your keyboard instead of the submit button on thepage. good luck

Posted by: MaryA on April 27, 2024

@maryA that worked! thanks!

Posted by: jam on April 27, 2024

i finally got through and then this .....The website that you're trying to reach is having technical difficulties and is currently unavailable.

We are aware of the issue and are working hard to fix it. Thank you for your patience.

Posted by: tomgirl on April 28, 2024

It worked MaryA, thanks!

Posted by: olga on April 30, 2024

It is not working for me at all.

Posted by: smilly on April 30, 2024

not working for me either

Posted by: Antiquer on May 1, 2024

still not working

Posted by: jinx644 on May 4, 2024

Me too

Posted by: Theresa1965 on May 6, 2024

The only way we get ours to work is on our phones and we scan a beer each time

Posted by: s2pigeau on May 9, 2024

Useless, can't believe they pay somebody to frustrate so many, I'm out.

Posted by: chalbe on May 9, 2024

Did anyone get into the next page? What is that link?

Posted by: jetta on May 17, 2024

jetta ---- good question --- if someone could post the url at the next page it may work

Posted by: J123BH on May 17, 2024

This is happened to me a few times now and I'm not sure if it's b/c of my settings or what...the site says that it has sent a verification code to my email but I don't receive it. Any thoughts on why? Nope, it's not in my spam folder. Sorry, not very techie. lol

Posted by: Dana123 on May 22, 2024

For a non-purchase enter this is how I enter. At the main screen after I enter my age and province I tab down to the submit and enter. Then I get this url This is where I sign in and hit login. Then I get this url Hit enter and then I get this url Then I type in the code SUNSETS2024 and hit submit. I then go to the top right hand corner to the drop down and hit profile. I alway log out at this point and then repeat the next day. Hope this helps

Posted by: MaryA on May 22, 2024

i tryed this and no work for me

Posted by: J123BH on May 22, 2024

not working for me either

Posted by: jetta on May 28, 2024

won't submit

Posted by: sarak on May 28, 2024

from contest reply about not submitting. It worked for me look for the magic spot.
Me again! Our promotion team has an update.

It looks like the error is a problem with our age-gate button, which is why you're having trouble entering - so sorry for the inconvenience!

However, our team has found that the cursor or "hand" will appear in the submission button in the top right corner. Could you try clicking in that spot on the "submit" button?

Posted by: jetta on June 1, 2024

"age-gate button"? Is that ages outside of the preferred age group?

Posted by: Luv2win on June 1, 2024

I should have added to the above: I ask because when I enter as my 62 year old self, it won't let me enter, but when I enter using my 32 year old son's birthdate (I did this to test) it goes through without a problem.

Posted by: Luv2win on June 1, 2024

I am 76 and it now works as the information worked for me

Posted by: jetta on June 2, 2024

Ok, good, I was curious as it initially worked for me, then suddenly stopped working. That "age gate" made me wonder.

Posted by: Luv2win on June 2, 2024

i m not able to log in today. anyone else?

Posted by: teenymaru on June 9, 2024

I was able to log in, teenymaru

Posted by: nancerelli on June 10, 2024

Page with a form is nott working for me

Posted by: Saviam on June 12, 2024

form not working for me either, did they change the rules i thought BC was eligible but upon looking at the rules it says To be eligible to participate, you must: (i) be of legal drinking age; (ii) be a legal resident of Manitoba, Alberta or Saskatchewan

Posted by: jiidii on June 24, 2024

Not working for me as well, just like the Bud Light Pass contest says default error when trying to log-in.

Posted by: mattila87 on June 24, 2024

Not working for me, yesterday or today. I did message them through "Contact Us", but no reply after 24 hrs.

Posted by: AnnaBanana46 on June 25, 2024

So I messaged them on FB, got a reply in 1/2 hr, sent them a pic of the error mess.

Posted by: AnnaBanana46 on June 25, 2024

same here

Posted by: gardener on June 25, 2024

here is the login page but will not let me enter

Posted by: jiidii on June 26, 2024

Working Now!

Posted by: mattila87 on June 26, 2024

They messaged me that the issue was resolved. Nope, just get a long commercial, no way to enter DOB, or sign in.

Posted by: AnnaBanana46 on June 26, 2024

Probably works in their little bubble chamber, but in the real world it is flipping to the main corona sunsets pages -- asking if you're AOM in English, then asking if you're AOM in French and sticking to the general sunsets stuff in a mix of English and French. Did the programmers and their AI friends have too much Corona?

Posted by: 123ABC on June 26, 2024

Not working for me - cannoit login.

Posted by: eabeier on June 26, 2024

I tried without my VPN connected and it wouldn't work, so I tried with the VPN ON and it worked, bizarre

Posted by: mattila87 on June 26, 2024

There probably all drunk over there at Corona for quality assurance.

Posted by: mattila87 on June 26, 2024

i can t log in either. never had an issue until yesterday

Posted by: teenymaru on June 27, 2024

Same here

Posted by: dodoman on June 27, 2024

I am unable to log in, either.

Posted by: nancerelli on June 28, 2024

Amazing web site.

Posted by: tikimongoose on June 28, 2024

Here's the proper site:

But it quickly disappears before I can fill anything in.

Posted by: Tazo on June 30, 2024

Not working-cannot register

Posted by: dodoman on July 3, 2024

...and, again, I am unable to enter.

Posted by: nancerelli on July 4, 2024

not working for me either

Posted by: MaryA on July 4, 2024

Is this working to anyone?

Posted by: sandym on July 7, 2024

No, hasn't worked for a long while now for me

Posted by: sharonmci on July 7, 2024


Posted by: olga on July 8, 2024

I give up!

Posted by: Pearls on July 8, 2024

The sites gibberish now. Until today, I had been able to enter after several tries and tapping quickly.

Posted by: hejoseph on July 9, 2024

This contest is a joke.

Posted by: dodoman on July 9, 2024

back in business

Posted by: Tazo on July 10, 2024

Wow, finally!

Posted by: olga on July 10, 2024

Tazo and olga, are you saying it works now? I'm still getting "Temporarily Unavailable", etc.

Posted by: Tuor87 on July 10, 2024

Nice. It is working again after a 16 day gap. Using Firefox.

Posted by: 123ABC on July 11, 2024

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